woensdag 31 oktober 2012

teamwork, all in the family

my mother made this cardigan for my four year old daughter (my mother is good at knitting), and asked me to crochet some flower to go on it, so here is the finished result, hope you like it
have a nice day, madelon

dinsdag 7 augustus 2012

rainbow bunting

befor i made the cupcake bunting i found this bunting on internet, via the tanggled happy blog, i think she posted a link to a blog called rainbow bunting, so i used all the leftovers i had and made granny triangles
when they were all finished i made a line with single crochet and crocheted them all together. In the pictures you can see them hanging in the living room, they have been hanging there since my birthday.
tell me what you think
greetings, madelon

Cupcake bunting

When i was on holiday we went to barneveld(the netherlands), and found a very cute yarn store, and there i bought a ready to go packet by restyle, which had the pattern and yarn already to go to crochet this bunting
hope you like it

kind greetings, madelon

zaterdag 26 mei 2012

pimp a denim jacket

My daughter of 3 was given a plain denim jacket, fine by me, but i thought it really needed some craftiness to make it a bit more girly and different.

i made the parrot badge i found in a book by Brenda Smits, and made some flowers in the same color combination. and used the sewing machine to sewthem onto the jacket. hope you like it, let me know


dinsdag 17 april 2012


Someone at work saw me crocheting, and asked me if i could make her daughter some cupcakes, so i did, i found the pattern on the bittersweetblog under bake me a cake, the pattern is really easy to do and you can make a lot of them quickly.
 i made 4 of them, 3 with varigated yarn, and one green with flowers, one with a butterfly.
here is another picture
let me know what you think, i would love to hear from you

zondag 8 april 2012

a princess monkey

Christel Krukkert has a new book, called aapjes haken (crochet monkeys) and i have made a princess for my friends who recently had a baby girl.

let my know what you think, i would love to hear from you, madelon

a daisy square scarf

Oke it has been a long time since my last post, but this was a big project, 135 squares and about 800 end i had to weave in, but i think it turned out lovely, so here are the pictures,
first the squares, i used yellow and white for the daisy and 9 outside colours

second of the whole scarf displayed on the dining room table

and finally one more detail, it took me about four months to finish, and i am happy it looks nice
let me know what you think, madelon

vrijdag 10 februari 2012


On the blog of creativejewishmom i found this idea of a rug made from Zpagetti, a kind of tshirt yarn. It wasn't easy, i tried 4 different patterns befor it finally worked out the way i wanted it, But when i finally found the right pattern i finished it in one day.
and this is what my daughter did when it was finally finished

well i guess she likes it, until next time,