dinsdag 17 april 2012


Someone at work saw me crocheting, and asked me if i could make her daughter some cupcakes, so i did, i found the pattern on the bittersweetblog under bake me a cake, the pattern is really easy to do and you can make a lot of them quickly.
 i made 4 of them, 3 with varigated yarn, and one green with flowers, one with a butterfly.
here is another picture
let me know what you think, i would love to hear from you

zondag 8 april 2012

a princess monkey

Christel Krukkert has a new book, called aapjes haken (crochet monkeys) and i have made a princess for my friends who recently had a baby girl.

let my know what you think, i would love to hear from you, madelon

a daisy square scarf

Oke it has been a long time since my last post, but this was a big project, 135 squares and about 800 end i had to weave in, but i think it turned out lovely, so here are the pictures,
first the squares, i used yellow and white for the daisy and 9 outside colours

second of the whole scarf displayed on the dining room table

and finally one more detail, it took me about four months to finish, and i am happy it looks nice
let me know what you think, madelon